Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Final video

Sorry I haven't posted since i have been home. I hope this makes up for it.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

G'day and G'bye Australia

I am sitting in Brisbane airport preparing to depart for Christchurch (New Zealand). This is the end of the Austrlian part of my travels. I have my last 2 weeks traveling around in New Zealand before coming home. Highlights of the past few weeks have been Byron Bay, Fraser Island and Whitsundays. All of which involved amazing beaches, sunshine and lots of partying. I wont make you further jealous with any details but it was one of the highlights of the year away. Oh... time to board. Short message. Goodbye Australia

Saturday, 17 April 2010

On the road again

I have been working and living in Melbourne for the past 7 months and the time has now come to start heading home. Me and Mail have planned 3 weeks traveling up eastern Australia and then 2 weeks in New Zealand. After that, its a leisurely 27 hr plane flight back to London then Glasgow. I will be in London on the 27th of May and Glasgow on the 30th.

The last few months have mostly been spent working with the occasional jaunt to public house. I went to see an AFL game. Who would have thought a game so brutal could turn out to be so boring? Fans of opposing teams were sitting together, whole families were there enjoying themselves, people were drinking responsibly, no one was swearing. This is not how competitive sport is meant to be!

Its the Melbourne comedy festival at the moment which attracts comedians who cant get a gig in their own countries. This afforded the opportunity to go an see Pauly Shore, America's 'most annoying' actor. We went to see him at a really small venue and he was surprisingly funny. He was around after to talk to people and try to flog his t-shirts. We got a photo and Mail managed to get a free t-shirt as the largest size they had was a woman's medium.

Anyway, i will be home soon and look forward to showing off my tan and telling my stories. See you in a few weeks!

Thursday, 28 January 2010

2010 A time for travel... but not time travel

So the new year has come and gone and not much has changed in Melbourne. My new years was spent at a Toga party for the bells then a day long trance party on the 1st of Jan. It was a huge event called summadayze and as you may guess from the name it attracted a few illiterates and scum-bags... of which i wasn't one... the former anyway. The parts I can remember were thoroughly enjoyable. Lots of loud music and loud clothing.

It has been easy to keep busy here with the weather being so good. Me Ashely and Richard have played tennis, been to the beach, the local pool and still play in our futsal league every Monday (we are 2nd at the moment but soon to be top!). A few weekends ago we went surfing to a beach about an hour and a half away. It was going well, quiet, big waves, sun etc. Then there was a bit of an incident when i got sucked out to sea but managed to get back with a lot of frantic swimming. Ashley on the other hand went so far out he had to come back through an area with super big waves. He was thrown about for around10 minutes but eventually managed to crawl up the beach spitting out salt water and looking relieved. We havent been surfing since.

I will hopefully be organizing my return trip home soon. I was hoping to be able to visit some of the pacific islands as a final farewell to my 14 month long holiday but I don't think my funds will last out that long. So i will have to make do with the east coast of Australia and New Zealand. Its a tough life.